
Life As a Genetic Counselor

{challenge accepted}

Well, I’m a little late but I have accepted the THREE ALS ice bucket challenges I received.  Thanks to Deborah, Elesha and Jaimie for the nominations! Sorry its taken so long.

In addition to accepting the ice bucket challenge and making a donation to the ALS association, I want to encourage you to visit www.alsa.org to learn more about ALS but also about the genetics of ALS.  Although rare, some forms of ALS are hereditary.

Processed with VSCOcam with lv03 preset

I had some technical difficulties posting the video so here is the next best thing.


People...I love, Places...I love


Six years ago today, I was convinced by my then boyfriend that going on a picnic in Piedmont Park was completely my idea.


But I had no idea that our simple picnic and walk through one of our favorite places in Atlanta would end with a life changing question.  One with a pretty easy answer: yes!

