
Life As a Genetic Counselor

You’re a What? A. Genetic. Counselor.

The Ho Family Tree created by Amanda Ho. Photo Credit: Deborah Ho

The Ho Family Tree created by Amanda Ho. Photo Credit: Deborah Ho

“So what made you decide to be a genetic counselor? “

Like many other genetic counselors, I get this question quite often. In professional settings as well as personal conversations. And while I’ve shared most of the reasons, there is one reason I’ve not shared before but feel inclined to do so, this Thanksgiving eve. Continue Reading

Pursuit of Good Coffee

What’s Brewing and Baking: A Quick Update

“You have to know that on the other side of your blog, you have so many people rooting for you guys.” These kind, encouraging words came from a former co-worker and friend, “B”, as we caught up with each other at the genetic counseling annual educational conference in late September. Those nine words, “…you have so many people rooting for you guys…” have echoed in my head ever since.

Back in April when we made the decision to uproot our lives in DC and move back south to pursue this dream of opening up our own place, we knew it wasn’t going to be easy and it wasn’t going to happen overnight. And although we are “on schedule”, it is so easy to feel like opening doors is taking forever! From looking at possible locations that are basically a shell of a building that need lots of TLC to move-in ready spaces that don’t quite fit our vision and come with a hefty sticker price to crunching numbers for 3- to 5-year projections. Those nine words served as a friendly reminder and knowing we have such amazing family and friends, who are encouraging us and rooting for us, makes those “can we really do this?” moments less daunting. So, thank you everyone!

Here are just a few things that we have been up to lately. Continue Reading

People...I love

Pumpkin Pickin’

A little late this year, but we made it to the patch to pick our pumpkin on Halloween eve! Loved having Deanna and my dad join the pumpkin picking fun before Deanna makes her way over the Atlantic Ocean to her new city, London.